Seeding the science of the future
Interview with Ananyo Bhattacharya, author of J. von Neumann biography “The man from the future”
J. von Neumann sowed much of modern science and technology, which is why the book is called ‘The Man from the Future’. He did not complete all the things he sowed, but in doing so he showed extraordinary vision, and other people have since picked up those ideas and carried them forward. Many of his contributions are still unknown and perhaps others have yet to emerge.
Time as space
The four-dimensional universe, time travel, the past, the present, and the future: in “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells, interpreted by Maria Giulia Scarcella for “Einstein aveva ragione” [Einstein was right].
The tale of uncertainty
Coming to terms with an uncertain world has become inevitable: the story of uncertainty is a fundamental tool for understanding reality, and an opportunity to highlight the tools and skills that science introduces to understand and manages it
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L’INFN ai Venerdì dell’Universo 2025 | Ferrara
Bringing scientific culture to schools, discussing physics and research in the classroom, sharing the scientific method, experimenting together, from primary to secondary schools, helping to educate new generations of science-aware citizens, including future researchers.
Fisica [è] Cultura
Nel dialogo con i luoghi in cui la cultura è di casa
We tell the story of physics and engage with the general public by means of innovative idioms. Stories and projects are generated from exchanges with artists and cross-pollinations between arts, literature, and narration. A broader audience for our research story is developed and sustained by collaborations with museums, theatres, libraries, and schools.