Hands-on Physics – HOP è un progetto promosso dal CERN, INFN e Fondazione Agnelli, finalizzato a promuovere l’insegnamento della fisica nelle scuole secondarie di I grado italiane, ...
AggiornaMenti is a training course to promote teaching based on a hands-on approach. The programme includes science teaching workshops aimed at science and technology teachers of intermediate ...
PID – INFN Programme for Teachers is a training course offered by INFN to secondary school teachers. At least three courses are organised per year at INFN National Laboratories. Each ...
Incontri di Fisica Moderna – Meetings on Modern Physics is a training course organised by the National Laboratories of Frascati for teachers of scientific subjects in secondary schools. The ...
Incontri di Fisica – Meetings on Physics is a refresher and training course for teachers of scientific subjects in secondary schools. The objectives are to promote the teaching of modern... ...