OCRA – Outreach Cosmic Ray Activities is a project dedicated to citizens and secondary schools that brings together the public engagement activities of 22 INFN sites in cosmic ray physics.
The project organises various activities for schools and the general public, and is involved in the development and production of instrumentation and online paths designed for teaching activities, with the aim of supporting teachers in engaging students in cosmic ray physics.
The individual local sites organise some activities independently, while other initiatives are national, such as the International Cosmic Day and the internship. For the ICD, many activities are organised in parallel at the different sites on the same day and two students from each site are selected to take part in a three-day internship organised in turn at the different sites.

Picture taken during measurements in Campo Imperatore during the OCRA School in 2019.
Cities and INFN sites: Bari, Catania, Cosenza, Florence, Genoa, Lecce, Milan, Milan Bicocca, Naples, Padua, Pavia, Perugia, Pisa, Rome 1, Tor Vergata, Sassari, Turin, Trieste, Gran Sasso National Laboratories, National Laboratories of Legnaro, National Laboratories of the South, TIFPA, and GSSI.