Art&Science Kids

Art&Science KIDS  is a project that aims to bring primary and intermediate school students closer to modern physics, stimulating their imagination through the creation of works of art. A first edition was held in 2020, with 20 schools and more than 240 students taking part in it.  

In 2020, an artistic competition was organised in stages and each stage had a central theme narrated by a video and a live dialogue between the participants and the researchers. 

Contestants took part with their works of art inspired by these meetings. The theme of this edition was the Universe, and it produced 240 works that were awarded prizes and collected in the INFN’s 2021 calendar. 

Cities and INFN divisions: Naples, Florence, Milan, Pisa, Padua, Potenza and Matera, Rome, Turin, Genoa 

Students of Primary and Secondary Schools

National Coordinator:

Pierluigi Paolucci
INFN – sezione di Napoli


Collisioni.infn is the web space dedicated to cultural and educational initiatives

of the INFN, organized  in close collaboration with cultural and school.