EXTREME. In search of particles

13 Jul 2016
Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci
Via San Vittore, 21
Milano, 20123 Italia

The exhibition is the first of its kind in Italy and is designed and produced by the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in partnership with CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research, and INFN – National Institute of Nuclear Physics.

EXTREME. In search of particles is a permanent exhibition dedicated to the world of particle physics opening on July 13th.

Extreme sheds light on what happens in the laboratories of two of the largest research centres for particle physics. Visitors find small and large scale objects with a clear historical value, along with multimedia and interactive installations.

The narrative of the exhibition kicks off with the idea of “traces”, understood as elements that allow us to recognize and reconstruct an event that cannot be observed directly. Like many other scientific disciplines – from archaeology to forensic science – particle physics also relies on the observation of tracks. The exhibition continues showing the devices used by physicists to reveal tracks of the particles, the detectors.

Through first-hand experiences, the exhibition allows us to experience the “cosmic silence” pursued by researchers under water or underground, in the extreme environments that host the detectors. An area of the exhibition also tells about the daily life of physicists, engineers and technicians working on experiments.

Three different interactive installations present the current state of knowledge about subatomic particles and about two issues that are still under study and debate: the existence of dark matter and extra-dimensions. A significant part of the exhibition is devoted to accelerators, devices that allow to create new particles and new tracks that can be investigated, by colliding particles at increasing energies. This is the area where the LHC – the large ring accelerator currently in use at CERN – is the real protagonist.